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Basic Tutorial

Import movies

Import movies by click Import on the toolbar or drag movie files/folder to the Dragging area.


Click to switch between the Output image preview mode and Video preview mode.
Drag or to set the start offset or end offset of movie for thumbnails generating.

Custom settings


General settings for entire output image:

  1. Customize background color for output images.
  2. Set border width for thumbnails.
  3. Add watermark for output images.


Custom settings for single grid in output images.

  1. Tiles Grids: set the row and column number of grid.
  2. Tiles Size: set size of grid in pixes.
  3. Tiles Border: set border color of grid.
  4. Thickness: set the border width of grid.
  5. Horizon or vertical Gaps: set the gap between grids.

Grid Text

Specify weather a timestamp should show up in the grids.


Set the metadata texts displayed on top of output images.


Save current settings to local for next use.